Tuesday, November 2, 2010

This Halloween is something to be sure, especially to be here without you.

Rik's Log 11.02.10

Well Halloween came and went.

And I went with my gut and I was right...
No one watches LOST in California.
And my obscure costume went unnoticed.

At least I got to Party with Katy Perry...
And some Tetris blocks and a dude dressed as a tugboat...
And tons of pirate chics and cops and French maids.

The most common costume, Snookie was too obnoxious
And the other common costume the Chilean Miners was disturbing as well

Every idiot thought
"Hey I'd dress like the Miners and I'd be the only one
And it be pertinent and cool...and everyone would love it."
Well it wasnt.

On the otherhand there were some creative costumes out there
Big ups to the sport fan who dressed like Brain Wilson.
(The San Fran closer who just won the WS not the Beach Boy.)

There was the girl who dressed like painter Bob Ross, she was awesome!
There was some chic dressed like Christine O'Donnell wearing a witch hat
That was funny and very pertinent and political too.
And then there was the woman who dress like poison Ivy
And then pin condoms all over her costume and said she was a rubber tree plant...
That was fucking creative.

And my favorite of all the dude who dressed like...
A Zombie Jesus holding a "Support Prop 19" sign.
I dunno what he was trying to say about our society
But whatever he was doing it was wacky and I loved it.

Well Halloween is over and now I gotta wait
Til next year when I once scramble to get an awesome costume.
Well now I gotta go run and mail my vote.

KARMA bums

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