Sunday, October 31, 2010

I know it isn't your scene, it's better than a sex scene and it's so fucking obscene.

Rik's Log 10.31.10

So it’s that time of year again when the freaks come out & knock on your doors...
Yeap election time is almost. And this year it looks like the circus came to town.
With all the Elephants, tigers, and clowns.

Since President Obama has been empowering people to follow their dreams
And push for change and service their towns & communities,
Everyone now believes that they too can be useful part of the government.

Well obviously that’s a bad idea.
Now we every Tom, Dick, and Nazi is running for public office.
And every witch, troll, and hooker too
And even a few self confessed constitutional scholars.
Hell even Elvira is throwing her hat in!

All this makes for a crazy fun election year,
With every idiot voicing their opinions
And every politico hasbeen sticking their 2 cents
And wannabe comedians making spoofs
But after a few months everyone get’s tired
Of all the maniacs and the riots and all the spectacle.

Sometimes we just want to see a civilized debate
Where we understand the issues at hand
And what can best be done to better our country.

And with everyone talking about changing the political climate
And how to improve Washington D.C.
You begin to wonder if there will actually be change.
Or if these retards just want to get the cushy government jobs
And reap the benefits of being in power.

You know what’s funny that the biggest talkers
The crazies who want to change our government
The greastest malcontents who fear that
We’ll become a socialist state persecuting the rich
Yeap those crazies.

Theyre the one’s who aren’t running for public office.
Is it a case of talking the talk and not walking the walk?
Or are they just smart enough to know that no one wants them in power
So that leaves them the opportunity to open their mouths
With no repercussions cause they don’t have to answer to no one.

Well there could be one more possibility;
That they are waiting for the big enchilada in 2012.
Hopefully (praying to God) theyre smart enough to know
That they aint got a chance in Hell for the Presidency.

But that would be too much to ask.
Afterall we're all expecting a crazy presidential campaign in 2012.

Well there’s a lot more I could say about this retarded campaign year...
But right now I gotta start getting ready for Halloween.

KARMA bums

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