Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Time makes you bolder, even children get older and I'm getting older too.

Rik's Log 11.17.10

Well I dont have much to say about getting older
I'm gonna just work through the day anyways
And ignore the fact that it's my barfday.

But for you all who are in the festive celebrating mood
Drink a beer in my honor and shot of bourbon too.

And til the weekend I'll leave you with the greatest birthday song ever!
The song responsible for the paradigm shift in birthdays
And how they will be viewed in the following century!
I'm talking of none other than...
The Spirit Journey Formation Anniversary

The seed of life is united with the egg of tyranny
Gestates forth from within the womb of life
for three-quarter and nigh a year, the creature thus be born!
And ye of years...31 bells will chime when the heavens open up...

KARMA bums

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