Sunday, November 28, 2010

If hope dies shop till you drop!

Rik's Log 11.28.10

So we’re coming to the end of the Black Friday weekend
(I know that’s quasi oxymoronic; how can Friday be a weekend?)
But lemme tell you, the shopping madness is still in full effect.

Sooo far I've been sucked into a web browsing deal-searching fervor.
Searching all through the intrawebs for door-busting deals and such-whats.
However (Praise Jeebus!)...I’ve managed to avoid succumbing to
The camping-outside of Walmart fever
Itching to be the first contestant in the Discounted HDTV Punchout.

Which brings me to my gripe.
Why the fuck do people go crazy for Black Friday deals?
Yes you can get some pretty cool Blu-ray DVDs for like $8 pesos
But really does anyone need a DVD of Jingle All the Way?

I went to Best Buy to buy some DVDs (yes I know stupid)
And some other whatnot electronic BS that I think I need.
And I was talking to a cashier who told me
“People been camping out since 3a
To buy an HDTV that’s only $45 off retail price.”

$45 fucking bucks!
Is a person’s time worth $45 bucks these days?
Theyre willing to camp for three hours in the cold
And push & shove and fucking bite & scream to save $45 fucking bucks?

I know it's fucking stupid
But I guess that's the American consumer culture.
We lose our fucking minds when we see the words save & deal together.

Well I cant really talk much, with Cyber Monday looming hours away
I know that I’ll buckle and buy some crap I really can live without.

But do I really need anything new...
I bought a new digi camera on Friday.
(Yes I went shopping on Black Friday cause of the crazy deals!)
I retardedly lost my old camera and needed a replacement
So I went and got a new one which is supposed to be way better.

Sooo sitting here playing with my new camera
I realize that I really liked my old camera
It was better, easier to use, and the features were great.

Besides that I’m realizing that we truly don’t need all this crap
That desperate retailers keep telling us we need have now
And that if we just learn to live with the stuff we got
We might just be a little bit happier.

So with this renewed focus of the priorities in life
I’ll make it through this spendthrift holiday with my savings intact.
But whatever I probably still be on the lookout for a good Blu-ray player
With 3D and DTS surround sound and awesome WiFi capabilities.

KARMA bums

Saturday, November 20, 2010

You're very phallic, you're big, black, and metallic, only you could be so cold.

Rik's Log 11.20.10

I'm pretty much on the Samsung Galaxy S bandwagon
But after seeing this Japanese ad for the phone
I'm even more smitten and the gotta-have-it cravings are intense.

I mean the Galaxy S is already a pretty awesome phone.
(you all may know it by its carrier branded names
Fascinate and Vibrant and Captivate and etc...)
It's got pretty much all the features of the iPhone
Plus it runs on Android yet it's more stylish than the Droid phones
And it's on every major carrier in the US.

However this Japanese ad campaign
That's pairing the phone with Darth Vader is very odd.

Usually you'd figure Lord Vader would be a parental controls advocate pushing for limited text message & a phone with less social networking skills.

At the very best he'd be way more into Blackberry and BBMs
Which would allow him to keep tabs with the Emperor and Grand Moff Tarkin.

So why would a Sith Lord be selling a Smartphone that's more Rebel than Darkside?
I dunno but as a Star Wars fan
I'm attracted by a strange pull
And I guess I need to have a cool Vader phone now.

Although it's still not as cool as the Death Star O'Lantern.

KARMA bums

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Time makes you bolder, even children get older and I'm getting older too.

Rik's Log 11.17.10

Well I dont have much to say about getting older
I'm gonna just work through the day anyways
And ignore the fact that it's my barfday.

But for you all who are in the festive celebrating mood
Drink a beer in my honor and shot of bourbon too.

And til the weekend I'll leave you with the greatest birthday song ever!
The song responsible for the paradigm shift in birthdays
And how they will be viewed in the following century!
I'm talking of none other than...
The Spirit Journey Formation Anniversary

The seed of life is united with the egg of tyranny
Gestates forth from within the womb of life
for three-quarter and nigh a year, the creature thus be born!
And ye of years...31 bells will chime when the heavens open up...

KARMA bums

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli!

Rik's Log 11.10.10

In honor of the Marine Corps 235th Birthday...

From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli
Happy Birthday Marines and Semper Fi!

And in honor of Veteran's Day which is tomorrow;
I'd just like to say...
To all those who served during times of peace and times of war
A grateful Nation salutes you.
I hope that the honor you recieve this day
And (should recieve) everyday
Is worth the Hell & hardships you went through.

Sooo Happy Veteran's Day and enjoy your Free Blooming Onion!

KARMA bums

Friday, November 5, 2010

I thought just having a friend couldn't be no crime, cause I have friends and that's a fact.

Rik's Log 11.7.10

So has anybody seen this?

Man this is sad.
Poor Biz Markie is being force to dress and act like a retard...
And to top it off he has to work with Andy Milonakis,
The Prince of MTV D-list celebrity douchbags.

I mean, for some reason I love this ad,
And I just cant get enough of this commercial.
But that costume is hilarious and the dialogue is just too silly.

I mean I know that it's intentionally campy
But I'm just wondering if theyre making fun of Biz
Or is Biz in on the joke?

On the plus-side I'm loving Captain Tune-up
Maybe they can make like a short series outta this.

It can be like Biz Markie’s music superhero persona
He can go and out battle RIAA villains trying to install DRMs
And face-off against music pirates who steal from the artist
And save people who don’t know how to properly label their music
By cleaning up their iTunes library.

Damn that would be hella awesome
He can do everything automagically.

I think that’s should be the new word of the decade automagically

Anyways lost in all this
Is Tune-up actually cool or even useful...?
I dunno, and probably wont because I rarely use iTunes.
But fuckit I do love the damn commercial.

KARMA bums

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

This Halloween is something to be sure, especially to be here without you.

Rik's Log 11.02.10

Well Halloween came and went.

And I went with my gut and I was right...
No one watches LOST in California.
And my obscure costume went unnoticed.

At least I got to Party with Katy Perry...
And some Tetris blocks and a dude dressed as a tugboat...
And tons of pirate chics and cops and French maids.

The most common costume, Snookie was too obnoxious
And the other common costume the Chilean Miners was disturbing as well

Every idiot thought
"Hey I'd dress like the Miners and I'd be the only one
And it be pertinent and cool...and everyone would love it."
Well it wasnt.

On the otherhand there were some creative costumes out there
Big ups to the sport fan who dressed like Brain Wilson.
(The San Fran closer who just won the WS not the Beach Boy.)

There was the girl who dressed like painter Bob Ross, she was awesome!
There was some chic dressed like Christine O'Donnell wearing a witch hat
That was funny and very pertinent and political too.
And then there was the woman who dress like poison Ivy
And then pin condoms all over her costume and said she was a rubber tree plant...
That was fucking creative.

And my favorite of all the dude who dressed like...
A Zombie Jesus holding a "Support Prop 19" sign.
I dunno what he was trying to say about our society
But whatever he was doing it was wacky and I loved it.

Well Halloween is over and now I gotta wait
Til next year when I once scramble to get an awesome costume.
Well now I gotta go run and mail my vote.

KARMA bums