Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Cops & Queers make goodlooking models.

Rik's Log 10.23.10

So Halloween is coming fast and I'm freaking out!
As usual I've procrastinated and I dont have a costume yet.
I've been kicking ideas around but concepts arent solutions
And now I am facing the possibility of not having a costume for Halloween.
Well this will certainly suck.

Sooo why the fuck do you need a costume for Halloween?
(Are you asking me? Oh youre not…well I’ll tell you anyways.)

You need a costume because of Halloween parties.
That’s the only reason an adult would get a Halloween costume.

You dont want to be the loser
Who goes to a costume party sans costume.
Sure you can try to brush it off
"I’m not into fads." or "I dont like having fun."
Or say something like
"Halloween is an overrated commercial holiday."
But then no one will want to hang with you.

And mosdef no girl who’s dress as a slutty nurse
Or slutty angel or a slutty investment banker
Is gonna wanna chill with the I’m-not-into-fads guy.

Cause not being into fads kinda makes you a party-pooper...
And who like a party pooper?

So if you want to have fun with all the costumed partiers
Especially all the girls in the slutty costumes
Then you better get a costume.

And the cooler or more extravagant your costume
The better itll help you in attracting chics...
And ultimately, just like the Xmas Island crabs,
That’s the whole purpose of our existence.

Sooo now back to my dilemma.
I’ve been thinking that I should get a costume
That’s not to hi-maintenance
But also not too obscure that people don’t get it.

I thought about doing the whole LOST thing
Since it probably my last chance to do anything LOST related.
I considered grabbing a Dharma Initiative jumpsuit...
it's pretty easy to put one on and grab some sneakers
Walk around like I’m still doing serious experiments on the Island.

I also thought about dressing as John Locke
But that might fall under the too obscure for Halloween costume.

I've kicked around my old ideas for bit
I thought about Nurse Joker but that might be too big a production.
Also thought of dressing up as like a cholo vato
But in SoCal it might seem too real to look like a costume
And it might get in a few problems too.

I can do a crazy lewd costume like the walking Breathalyzer
Or something Old Skool like Star Wars or TMNT
but I wouldnt be as cool as this Turtle Freak
I’d also consider the classic Zombie or Vampire...

I also thought about following some trends
And dressing like the Jersey Shore

Or one of the rescued Chilean miners

Or maybe I'll buy some hospital scrubs and bloody them up
And tell everyone that I'm a Bloody Doctor!
Yea, it would be funny if I had a British accent.

I could also do something political like Barrakula Or a Sexy Sara Palin...but that might be a lil too involved.

Man I've got sooo man options but sooo little time
Which sucks cause while I'm sitting here blogging
The clock kicks ticking and I’m still not sure what to do.

Sooo that leaves me with one week to figure out what to wear.
Thank God there’s a costume shop right across from base..
Sooo maƱana I’m going to go over and see if I can find something

Or else I might just do the whole John Locke thing
And be then hella frustrated
That I’d have to explain to every retard through the night
What my costume is about.

KARMA bums

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

I say dont stress so much your gonna be so drunk that the weekend is gonna come and go in a flash and all that worry isnt even gonna be worth it....Live it up drink it down and HAVE FUN BABY!!!!! Yea I said it