Sunday, October 17, 2010

All right stop collaborate and listen!

Rik's Log 10.17.10

So I dunno if any of youve heard of this new show.

Apparently the most successful white rapper
Before the era of Eminem
Is now doing home repairs.
He's apparently sooo good that theyve given him his own show.

What's the friggin deal with hasbeen celebrities?
Theyre getting new professions (obviously cause theyre failures)
And having it documented on T.V.

There's friggin Tony Danza trying to teach English.
There's Steven Seagal harassing black people & red necks in NOLA.
Then there's all those friggin hasbeens trying to dance on ABC.

A concept as ridiculous as recycling a condom;
It seems that every failed celebrity
With a schemey agent is getting a new TV show.
Theyre getting attention for attempting to do what we do everyday; earn a decent living.
And theyre not even competent at these jobs!

I mean what’s next?
MC Hammer’s Driving School
Or Weird Al’s investment accounting firm?
Or Mike Tyson’s pet grooming services
And Pauly Shore’s hotdog stand?

I know it’s just gonna keep getting ridiculous...
Well I guess I'll just have to deal with the fact
That gone are those days
When celebrities faded away from the limelight with diginity.

We'll just have to get use to seeing them come back to T.V.
Trying to be successful towing cars or selling ice cream.
Or whatever loser job they can get after they’ve blown all their cash.


KARMA bums

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