Saturday, July 3, 2010

Something like a phenomenon baby!

Rik's Log 7.3.10

Damn Argentina got smoked!

Well I cant say I'm sad to see them go
But I did enjoy seeing Coach Maradona act ridiculous

Including his three peice suits
That made him look like gay Italian fashion designer.

Well with a week gone since the US was defeated
Now the World Cup is getting interesting.

The Vuvuzella's a wailing and the Europeans and Latin Americans are psyched!
With all the teams that are going to the Semifinals
Hailing from Europe and South only proves what we knew all along.
That Europeans and Latin Americans know how to play Championship soccer.

My biggest surprise, The Netherlands beating Brazil.
I guess the Dutch are the real deal.
Well let's hope the Germans dont annihilate everyone
On their warpath to conquer the World Cup.

KARMA bums

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