Saturday, June 19, 2010

Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye!

Rik's Log 6.18.10

Sooo the NBA Finals are over (finally!)
And every goddamn Lakers fan crawled from their crab holes
Out to party like it’s a race riot. Sooo while Los Angeles burns in celebration
(literally, seriously see the pics),

I’d like to take the time to congratulate the Lakers
and Kobe and Ron and Derek and Pau and Phil Jackson
For such a deserving win.
I only hope and pray (to the basketball-loving god)
that I’ll never have to suffer through another Lakers v. Celtics NBA Championship ever…
(Well at least for the next 50 years please.)

Now if only the US soccer team could learn how to win a fucking game.

KARMA bums

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