Sunday, July 4, 2010

I'm a long gone daddy in the U.S.A.

Rik's Log 7.4.10

Happy Independence Day!
I like saying Independence Day rather than 4th of July
Because sometimes some people forget
That we're celebrating our start as a nation.
You know it's a little patriotic of me.

Well it wasnt a bad 4th.
Despite what middle Americans believe
California does know how to celebrate our Independence Day.
And very important they got beaches and lots of them...
How the fuck can you celebrate the 4th without a beach or some water?

Well I had fun grilling and swimming...but something was lacking
I didnt get any illegal fireworks to explode...
How is any godfearing beerdrinking American gonna celebrate the 4th
Without any firecrackers or bottlerockets?

Well whatever...
I, at least loved the's just hella awesome
I especially loved the surfers, now I wanna learn how to surf...
Cause next year I'm wanna be a surfer on the 4th of July.

KARMA bums

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