Saturday, July 17, 2010

No time for losers cause we are the champions--of the world!

Rik's Log 7.17.10

Well it’s was a long week and it’s finally over.
Now I’d like to say a few things about the Boss...

RIP George Stienbrenner.

He was a man who knew the price of championships.
Unlike several other owners who we know or heard of...

Like the ones who’ve last week
Failed to get one of the best talents in the NBA.
(I’m talking about you James Dolan and Dan Gilbert)

George knew to pull out all the stop to get the necessary players to win.
Yes sometimes he lacked patience but sometimes he made the right moves
Sometimes he was insensitive but sometimes he knew what to say
To get under-performing athletes back on the winning track.
He may have had many flaws (which youll definitely hear about)
But under his ownership the Yankees won 7 World Series...’nuff said.

Speaking about championships the World Cup is over.
And who woulda thunk it…the Spaniards won!
And now we must all put our vuvuzellas away, thank god.

Man I gotta stop blogging about sports all the time
Before they start to think I’m part of ESPN’s sports network.

KARMA bums

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