Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I want your everything as long as it's free.

Rik's Log 8.11.10

So a few days ago...
A hot girl quits her job and America goes crazy.

At about the same time, a few dorks duped millions online...
But no one even notices.
Every one is too busy linking pics of the hot girl who quit,
They dont realize that it was a silly hoax.

And what sooo ridiculous is that it was very obvious.
Yet every blogger and their grandmother was posting it.

I mean couldnt they see it?
The silly overexaggerated gestures utilized by silent movie actors
The car-show-model poses and the constant Vanna White smiles...
All common characteristics of a 2nd rate struggling actress.

I mean every month a new huckster comes along
And so easily pranks everyone online
Because idiots are sooo quick to believe and link everything.
If you slap some T&A on it, suddenly everyone wants to see it.
No one thinks for a second that maybe it's a hoax.
Even though it's quite friggin obvious!

Then dumb bloggers and journalists post it on their sites
Without any background checks, making it news and automatically factual.

Meanwhile a real working man's hero
Who actually has an psychotically extreme awesome quitting story
Loses some of his 15 minutes cause some HPOA from LA is fucking with us.

KARMA bums

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