Wednesday, July 28, 2010

We go through too much bullshit just to mess with these drunk & hot girls.

Rik's Log 7.29.10

New hat!

So (as the pic evidently shows) I got a new hat.
It’s cool and all, got it at Old Navy, but it’s not snug or worn.
I miss my old hat that usually would fit perfectly...
Alas that hat is now in Ireland.

So obviously now you want to know how my hat got to Ireland...Well here’s the tale of dumb guys, pretty girls, and bad decisions.

So last weekend I went to PB and we’re at Typhoon’s It’s like a club that’s trying to be chill but upscale at the same time. So the crowd is mostly Cali hipsters, horny douchebags, college kids and young girls trying to be cool and upscale... Not a recipe for a fun time, if you ask me.

After a short night of mostly getting dissed & teased (pretty normal)
The club closed at a very early 1:45a (also pretty normal).
Now we’re outside and it’s the last-minute hookup dash
You all know what I mean (wink & smiley face).

So my roomie has got some Irish girls in his clutches and is trying to seal the deal. So I go up to check out the action. An Irish chic who looks just like Miley Cyrus,
She runs up and grabs my hat and puts it on her head and smiles.
(I’m sure she does all the time back home, in Ireland.)

In a really cute Irish accent she says “I want your hat.” I prudently reply “No. Sorry babe, but it’s my hat.”
“But I want your hat.” She insist.
“No. It’s my hat. Besides it’s old and sweaty and...” I try to negotiate.
She responds “I’m going home to Ireland in 2 days.” And then pouts.
I don’t know how that is an adequate argument...but it worked.

I said “Youre going back to Ireland?”
(As if Ireland was Bangladesh and they don’t have running water.)
She smiles and hugs me and kisses me on the cheek.
And I reluctantly concede and say “Fine you can take it.”

Now a few days later, I remember how hard it is for me to find a good hat. I gave away my previous hat to my buddy before I join the Corps

And when I came back to reclaim it after bootcamp, He stretched it out and didn’t fit well. Since it looked better on him I relinquished it, and went looking for a new hat.

Now I’m in the same position once again
Cause I couldn’t resist a chic with an Irish accent.
Well at least I found a new hat that’s got some potential
But itll take time before it as snug and fitted as my old hat.

Now I'm just trying to rationalize it.
I figure that since I might never go to Ireland...
Maybe my hat should.

Well at least that’s better than saying,
I let an Irish Miley Cyrus look-alike take my hat.

KARMA bums

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I got a quad-laser, it will amaze ya!

Rik's Log 7.24.10


Bow down and worship us, punks!

KARMA bums

Saturday, July 17, 2010

No time for losers cause we are the champions--of the world!

Rik's Log 7.17.10

Well it’s was a long week and it’s finally over.
Now I’d like to say a few things about the Boss...

RIP George Stienbrenner.

He was a man who knew the price of championships.
Unlike several other owners who we know or heard of...

Like the ones who’ve last week
Failed to get one of the best talents in the NBA.
(I’m talking about you James Dolan and Dan Gilbert)

George knew to pull out all the stop to get the necessary players to win.
Yes sometimes he lacked patience but sometimes he made the right moves
Sometimes he was insensitive but sometimes he knew what to say
To get under-performing athletes back on the winning track.
He may have had many flaws (which youll definitely hear about)
But under his ownership the Yankees won 7 World Series...’nuff said.

Speaking about championships the World Cup is over.
And who woulda thunk it…the Spaniards won!
And now we must all put our vuvuzellas away, thank god.

Man I gotta stop blogging about sports all the time
Before they start to think I’m part of ESPN’s sports network.

KARMA bums

Sunday, July 4, 2010

I'm a long gone daddy in the U.S.A.

Rik's Log 7.4.10

Happy Independence Day!
I like saying Independence Day rather than 4th of July
Because sometimes some people forget
That we're celebrating our start as a nation.
You know it's a little patriotic of me.

Well it wasnt a bad 4th.
Despite what middle Americans believe
California does know how to celebrate our Independence Day.
And very important they got beaches and lots of them...
How the fuck can you celebrate the 4th without a beach or some water?

Well I had fun grilling and swimming...but something was lacking
I didnt get any illegal fireworks to explode...
How is any godfearing beerdrinking American gonna celebrate the 4th
Without any firecrackers or bottlerockets?

Well whatever...
I, at least loved the's just hella awesome
I especially loved the surfers, now I wanna learn how to surf...
Cause next year I'm wanna be a surfer on the 4th of July.

KARMA bums

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Something like a phenomenon baby!

Rik's Log 7.3.10

Damn Argentina got smoked!

Well I cant say I'm sad to see them go
But I did enjoy seeing Coach Maradona act ridiculous

Including his three peice suits
That made him look like gay Italian fashion designer.

Well with a week gone since the US was defeated
Now the World Cup is getting interesting.

The Vuvuzella's a wailing and the Europeans and Latin Americans are psyched!
With all the teams that are going to the Semifinals
Hailing from Europe and South only proves what we knew all along.
That Europeans and Latin Americans know how to play Championship soccer.

My biggest surprise, The Netherlands beating Brazil.
I guess the Dutch are the real deal.
Well let's hope the Germans dont annihilate everyone
On their warpath to conquer the World Cup.

KARMA bums