Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Cause the Slightest Thing and I just might Snap!

Rik's Log 6.28.06

So not heeding the warnings of self-psychoanalyzing
I've continue researching my halfbrain idea
That I might somehow possess some mild form of APD
And thus be labled pyschotic.

Reading about APD in Wikipedia (the greatest website on Earth)
I've come across useful bits of knowledge.
Check it out here

Like for example childhood signs of APD include
A longer than usual period of bedwetting
Cruelty to animals
Firestarting and other vandalism
Agression to peers
Defiance of Authority

I could possess several of those qaulities...
I've been known to be a liar by some (I don't think I am but I might be lying).
I've been know to despise authority not so much defie but depise.
I was a little truant when I was in High School.
Now firestarting I don't recall but there are accusations...
They're probably just some malevolent people who want to pin me as a pyromaniac.
And they say I'm a little rough with animals
I just feel that animals need to know who the dominant species is here...
but I wouldn't call it cruel...if the animal admits my dominance & kowtows
Well I'll leave it alone.

But looking at these early symptoms I can see how some would confuse me for a pyscho.
knowing me...I can be very desensitized to violence and other emotions...
But it begs the question is it really that I've got a mental disorder
Or just a pure product of my desensitivity training from the tele & the media?

Well eitherways I crafting out my pyscho letters
For if the moment comes when I decide to terrorize the city or nation
I'll be ready with something to say.
Because when you've got the nation paralyzed and everyone's attention...
You don't want to be caught with your mouth agape and nothing to say but 'huh?'

Well now fly fly fly little blog-readers....

*this was initially posted under the title "The Vice of Killing"
but the title was switched with a newer post that was more appropriate.*

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