Saturday, September 25, 2010

We are Sex Bomb-OMB and we're here to watch Scott Pilgrim kick your teeth in!

Rik's Log 9.25.10

Sooo movies movies movies
That's pretty much all I've been doing lately.

I hear Scott Pilgrim is coming out on Blu-ray soon.
After watching it like 3x at the cinema
I think it's officially my favorite summer film.

Nothing captures my pop culture affinities much like this film.

I really love how it combines most of the things I like
Video games, Rock music, cute girls, and Mike Cera's blank humor
And throws if back at me in a big pile of hella awesome.
I'm even getting the comic books just to have some more cred.

After watching the movie a few times I'm conflicted...
I dunno if I should like Ramona Flowers
Or if I'm should fall in love with Knives Chau.

Ramona Flowers is sooo cool and awesome
She's the kinda kickass girl that you'd want to drag to Weezer concert
(I dunno if Ramona even likes Weezer)
Knives Chau is sooo cute and she can kickass too.
I'd probably just pine after both of them
Then date the drummer Kim when I got rejected.

I do have one complaint (as always)
I felt that Ramona shoulda been played by someone with more flair

I think that Kat Dannings or maybe Emma Stone woulda been more apt.
Mary Elizabeth Winstead is cute and all...
but she doesnt have the nuff 'tude to play Ramona awesomely well.
Also I just think I have a celebrity crush on Kat Dennings.
Well whatever...I'm done gushing about Scott Pilgrims.

Sooo if youre looking to revamp your Netflicks quene
Here are my picks of this summers most memorable films

Clash of the Titans----Skip
Ironman Dos------------Okay
Knight & Day-----------Skip
The Karate Kid---------Okay
Going the Distance-----Skip
The Expendables--------So bad you gotta see it
Scott Pilgrim...-------Awesome
Prince of Persia-------Okay
Robin Hood-------------Skip
The Last Airbender-----Okay
The Losers-------------Skip
Get Him to the Greek---Awesome
Nightmare on Elm St----Skip
Toy Story 3------------Okay
The American-----------Skip
The Town---------------Okay
I'm Still Here---------Awesome

KARMA bums

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