Monday, September 20, 2010

Here come the Jets, little world, step aside! Better go underground, better run, better hide!

Rik's Log 9.20.10

Sooo the NY Jets won a game, and they won big.

After all the crazy talk of lack of discipline and bullshit.
They apparently managed to pull it together
And demolish their longtime rivals
Who everyone keeps saying are the best in the division.

Well after getting my fill of watching Tom Brady flutter around the field
And get sacked by Jason Taylor and other LBs...

I felt happy to know that my team prove theyre worth the attention.
And not just because of some weird locker room incident
That involved some oversexed Latin-American reporter.

This week proved that the Jets do have discipline
And that the offense can score and score big against Bill Bellichick’s defense
And that Tom Brady isn’t infallible and the Patriots aren’t an elite team
And that apparently hot women in the locker room arent a big distraction.

The media however, loves to talk about hot reporters.
(Actually they love to talk about hot anything, especially if there are pics.)
Sooo maybe we should discuss what everyone else is talking about
Even though it’s not totally pertinent and it’s mostly a media fad
And you all know how much I despise media fads.

But since it’s me and (if you know me) I cant keep my mouth shut about anything
I do have some thoughts about the whole Ines Sainz incident in the Jets locker room.

First, why the fuck do women who dress like sluts
Are surprised when they are treated like one?
If youre gonna walk around a men’s locker room dressed like this..
You shouldn’t be surprised when guys act like middle-school boys.
Afterall this is football we’re talking about it’s not a White House press conference.

Fuck even ESPN has trouble getting rid of the fuck-anything-frat-boy mentality.

People just have to understand that sports and sex go hand in hand
And if youre gonna sell yourself as a sex icon...
Well, youre gonna have to accept the consequences
Thatll come with the title of the Sexist Reporter on Earth.

I’m sorry, Miss Sainz but if you want to be treated like a serious reporter
Then perhaps you should behave like one.

KARMA bums

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