Thursday, June 17, 2010

Been on the run driving in the sun looking out for number one

Rik’s Log 6.17.10

Sooo now I’m in California…
I find myself having to compress the last 3 years of my life
into a few paragraphs, so we can catch-up…
And get back to the starting sentence.

What happened and why am I back here blogging?
Well where do I begin…? Here’s the recap.

Back in 2007 I kinda gave up trying to express my opinions
And focused on doing other stuff...I’m lost trying to remember what
Much of 2007 was like…well last I read (on this blog)
I was very impressed with an episode of Lost.
(I’ll get back to that on a later date.)

From my recollection 2007 went somewhat like this…
I met a girl, I fell in love and had great sex then lost the girl.
I survived had a few drinks until the summer came.

And I met another girl, I didn’t fall in love, I didn’t have great sex…
I did too many things that I should probably regret and bullshit,
Yea massive amounts of bullshit.

Then the fall came and I met another girl,
I fell in love and fell out of love and fell in love
And didn’t get any sex at all…spent time frustratingly masturbating
And stumbled around with her for a year wondering if I was wrong.

Then 2008 came and I lost many jobs,
I lost my patience, I lost my courage, I lost my passion…
And just got tired with it all.
And what does someone who’s finished with it all do
Before he loses his mind…? I dunno.

Me, I lost my mind and joined the Marines
In hopes I’d be shipped out to some remote place
Where my life could have some meaning.
That was 2009.

Well a bunch of near death experiences, awe-inspiring accomplishments
And tons of cursing, sweating, bleeding, and regrets I made it to 2010…
A Marine living and working and drinking and fucking and dying in San Diego.
Sooo now I’m in California…that’s pretty much my story.

Well, why am I blogging again?
Well a few weeks ago I found this site was still running
And I knew it had to come back.
California has invigorated me and changed my perspective (only slightly),
I figure there’s still someone out there reading…maybe, hopefully,
So Logger Rikky lives on once more.
Let’s hope I don’t lose interest too quickly.

KARMA bums

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