Sunday, April 29, 2007

Dancing is Forbidden

Rik's Log 4.30.07

I'm like so stoked!
This past week I saw the new ATHF: movie film for theaters.
For those of you not in the know ATHF happens to be
The Aqua Teen Hunger Force!

It is just the craziest-wierdiest-funniest cartoon ever
It makes things like Family Guy and South Park seem tame in comparison.

ATHF is one of those love or hate things
It's so out there that you're force either to embrace it or reject it
There's no middle ground--it's like religion (or a cult).
To us fanatics it becomes an inside joke
It's something so secretive only a core group of folks know about it
And when others see it they get scared and confused
Which is what happened with the Boston Mooninite Scare incident read here.
I guess we can say it brings people together.

The cartoon itself is a medley of insane sitcom antics
With strange drugs&rockn'roll hallucination.
My art professor would say it brings postmodernism to the cartoon age
While retaining the zany loonatic antics of classic cartoon comedy.
It perfectly targets that twentysomething too-hip too-clever
& wasted on everything crowd.

The movie was no different than the show...only longer.
It had all types of gags that included
A minature Neal Peart (from Rush) inside a watermelon spaceship
Shake explaining the Birds&Bees to Meatwad (laughed my Ass off!)
A Timewarp Lincoln being pursued by the FBI
A Chicken Nugget Action Hero named Chiken Bittle
Who's voiced by Bruce Campbell...just a to name a few. Click here.
By at the end I didn't know what was happening
But I had gotten tons of laughs.

Anyways watching non-stop cartoons has got me thinking
Maybe it's time I invest my time (cause I've gots lots of it)
Into creating my own cartoon...I dunno what it'll be about...
But just wondering if anybody knows flash animation...
We could totally rock out with our own internet cartoon.
Well I'll post more about my ideas later.

Anyways AHTF: Movie film for theaters was awesome
It's in theaters right now.
If you're a fan of the show or feel interested by what I said...
WATCH IT! Or suck major balls.

KARMA bums

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