Thursday, May 17, 2007

& I've been working like a Dog

Rik's Log 5.17.07

So I’ve just seen the lastest episode of LOST
And I’m just schetvzing over everything…
I need some time to let things sink in but AWESOME
LOST is perhaps the greatest TV drama of our generation
I don’t think anything else comes close…
& all you 24 fans who are about to object, no seriously LOST kicksass!

Now I’m just waiting for next week’s 2hour Season Finale…
Last Season’s Finale was spectacular and this one should be the same…
But who knows…I’m crossing my fingers that Locke makes an appearance
But they could push that all the way till the new season (Season 4).

Anyways I’ve been working hard on films or hardly working
Whichever you think is apt.
So I’ve had very little time to work on this blog… (that so few people read).
But I’m also thinking of good things to post not just my mundane ramblings…
So there might be better blogs in the future.

On to good news (or I dunno) I gone to the darkside of tools…
I’ve been power tool crazy this last week buying some power tools…
Now me and my pal Richard

are thinking of becoming amateur carpenters
You know following in the great footsteps of Jesus…
So I dunno maybe I’ll try to build a table and lose a few fingers
Sounds cool regardless…and it’s great blog fodder.

So regardless of what is happening what I’m basically saying is
That really great blogs are coming I’m just waiting for the excitement to begin…
So let’s get drilling…anyways later.

KARMA bums

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