Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Sankara Sankara

Rik's Log 5.28.06

So I've been busy--I threw a party today...
Well co-hosted it with friends of mines
(Mine lovely friends of mines...)

And it exciting the prospect of getting wasted on a saturday night
With dozens of friends and some strangers--hopefully cute strangers.
Mostly cute strangers...hopefully...
(well no cute strangers actually no strangers at all--but I was wasted.)

But it's very stressful...sometimes you just want to crawl into a hole and hide from everything for several years...
I've always had this yearning to travel alone to desolate and disparate lands
That host adventure & dangerously fight off hordes of cultist worshippers
And join ancient secret societies that only the choosen few are allowed admittance.
However this will not happen--ergo it's a fantasy.

At best I could move to the southwest and get a trailer out in the desert...
Get lots of dogs and guns and spend my days like a maniac.
Shooting strangers in the foot and training dogs to hunt wild turkeys.
That's fun--or so it seems--no it actually is fun.

I believe television, knives, guns, cars, cigarettes and beer
They all contribute in the creation of a well-rounded invidivual...
And by individual I mean man.

So what's wrong with stabbing a few deadbeats and shooting a few losers...?
Let's bring back the days when we could walked around with six-shooters
And bowie knives strapped to our belts
And man had the right stand up for themselves and to the defend their honor
I mean what the fuck happened to honor...?

Today's great revelation...
We're an unhonorable generation, and that is our greatest lost and shame.
We're a generation stripped of diginity--we're just worthless carrion.

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