Monday, May 30, 2011

We lost another one that we sent with a gun, they're gonna miss him...

Rik's Log 5.30.11

Happy Memorial Day everyone!

It is Memorial Day and I do love me some start of the summer BBQ, --but lately I'm having new issues with Memorial Day. I get annoyed when people thank me for my service on Memorial Day. Well it's a problem I've only had for a two years. Still, I find a bit offensive;
                  1 - because I'm still alive, 
                  2 - because they think that "Thank you" is enough.
                  3 - because I don't think they understand Memorial Day.

Memorial Day is not Veteran's Day (that day you can thank Veterans for their service.), Memorial Day is not 4th of July (that day you can be drunkenly patriotic), hell it's not even Republican Presidents' Day (there's no such day)...

Memorial day was actually created to commemorate all those who gave their lives fighting the Southern Insurgents to maintain our American Union, in what is often known as the Civil War. Since then it has serve as a day to remember all who have lost their lives defending our Nation and there have been many.

However recently (in the last 20 years) I've seen people use Memorial Day to get on a soapbox and preach about crap that has nothing to do with Memorial Day. Veterans complaining about civilians who don't understand what it means to go to war. Faux Patriots (fatriots [emphasis on fat] as I like to call them) complaining about people not waving enough flags. Hell, Memorial Day is not a day to bash civilians, liberals, casual BBQers, alcoholics, etc. It is not a day for Car Salesmen, Walmart, furniture dealers, sale half their inventory.

You can either remember the fallen and commemorate their sacrifice or you shut-up and eat your hamburger...I don't need my Facebook feed inundated with your bitching.

If you're truly grateful and patriotic and all the good sort, plus you gotta lotta time and resources and are dedicated, you can go place a $2 flag on the grave of some service-member at the cemetery. Other than that stay off of Facebook, Twitter or any other internet bully pulpit, and go outside and enjoy the day off.

KARMA bums

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Killing an Arab

Rik's Log 5.3.11

Fucking finally...
We fucking got him!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Because the Night Belongs to Lovers

Rik's Log 2.14.11

Well in case some of you didnt know today is Valentine's Day (St. Valentine's Day if you want to be formal). I'm sure it comes as a surprise to a few...

"It's Valentine's Day already? Didnt we celebrate that shit last year?"

Yeah well the funny thing about annual holidays, they come by every year;
So get off your ass and go to store and grab some flowers and chocolate. Anyways, I'm here just doing my civic duty, trying to help some of you save your pitiful relationships. You can thank me later (with chocolates.)

Well have a fun & happy Valentine's Day errbody!

KARMA bums

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Show me how you do it? And I'll promise you, I'll promise that I'll run away with you

Rik's Log 12.02.10

So has anybody seen this yet?

apparently the story goes like this:
Some dude loses his girl cause she has to go faraway to college
And he's all heartbroken cause long-distance relationship suck.

Sooo he writes her this lovely song and then makes a vid
And he post the vid on Youtube but doesnt tell her about it.
He wants her to see it when it goes viral, sorta like a surprise.

Sooo when she sees it she'll be immediately amazed
And be all in love with him again
And I guess she'll quit school and run to him, I dunno.

Sooo are you heartstrings pulled yet?

Well here I am thinking it's some lonely geek living in Provo, Utah
Who's lost the only girl he'll ever know
And makes some cheesy homemade vid to post on Youtube
As a symbol of his everlasting love
For the only woman who paid him attention.

After a few minutes I get past the sappy shit and do some research.
I actually watch the vid and it's not some crappy homemade schlock.

1 - This lonely geek actually lives in LA.
2 - He is a member of a indie emo band known as The Daylights
3 - The vid & song are too polished to have been done by amateurs

So after analyzing all the data
This leads me to suspect a hoax.

How the hell can people fall for this?
Easy, theyre stupid.

Here we go again with another viral hoax
That everyone watches and thinks it's an amazing story
And then after 20x of hearing that song
We suddenly cant get it out of our heads
And we have to download their new album.

Yea it’s sooo genius it just might work.

Usually viral vids are happenstance theyre not manufactured
But with the new marketing techniques
We got geniuses who try to manufacture cultural phenomena
In order to sell shit and think it will work.

I’ll have to say that it is very clever idea.
Fortunately for them
The song and the vid are actually pretty entertaining.

KARMA bums

Sunday, November 28, 2010

If hope dies shop till you drop!

Rik's Log 11.28.10

So we’re coming to the end of the Black Friday weekend
(I know that’s quasi oxymoronic; how can Friday be a weekend?)
But lemme tell you, the shopping madness is still in full effect.

Sooo far I've been sucked into a web browsing deal-searching fervor.
Searching all through the intrawebs for door-busting deals and such-whats.
However (Praise Jeebus!)...I’ve managed to avoid succumbing to
The camping-outside of Walmart fever
Itching to be the first contestant in the Discounted HDTV Punchout.

Which brings me to my gripe.
Why the fuck do people go crazy for Black Friday deals?
Yes you can get some pretty cool Blu-ray DVDs for like $8 pesos
But really does anyone need a DVD of Jingle All the Way?

I went to Best Buy to buy some DVDs (yes I know stupid)
And some other whatnot electronic BS that I think I need.
And I was talking to a cashier who told me
“People been camping out since 3a
To buy an HDTV that’s only $45 off retail price.”

$45 fucking bucks!
Is a person’s time worth $45 bucks these days?
Theyre willing to camp for three hours in the cold
And push & shove and fucking bite & scream to save $45 fucking bucks?

I know it's fucking stupid
But I guess that's the American consumer culture.
We lose our fucking minds when we see the words save & deal together.

Well I cant really talk much, with Cyber Monday looming hours away
I know that I’ll buckle and buy some crap I really can live without.

But do I really need anything new...
I bought a new digi camera on Friday.
(Yes I went shopping on Black Friday cause of the crazy deals!)
I retardedly lost my old camera and needed a replacement
So I went and got a new one which is supposed to be way better.

Sooo sitting here playing with my new camera
I realize that I really liked my old camera
It was better, easier to use, and the features were great.

Besides that I’m realizing that we truly don’t need all this crap
That desperate retailers keep telling us we need have now
And that if we just learn to live with the stuff we got
We might just be a little bit happier.

So with this renewed focus of the priorities in life
I’ll make it through this spendthrift holiday with my savings intact.
But whatever I probably still be on the lookout for a good Blu-ray player
With 3D and DTS surround sound and awesome WiFi capabilities.

KARMA bums

Saturday, November 20, 2010

You're very phallic, you're big, black, and metallic, only you could be so cold.

Rik's Log 11.20.10

I'm pretty much on the Samsung Galaxy S bandwagon
But after seeing this Japanese ad for the phone
I'm even more smitten and the gotta-have-it cravings are intense.

I mean the Galaxy S is already a pretty awesome phone.
(you all may know it by its carrier branded names
Fascinate and Vibrant and Captivate and etc...)
It's got pretty much all the features of the iPhone
Plus it runs on Android yet it's more stylish than the Droid phones
And it's on every major carrier in the US.

However this Japanese ad campaign
That's pairing the phone with Darth Vader is very odd.

Usually you'd figure Lord Vader would be a parental controls advocate pushing for limited text message & a phone with less social networking skills.

At the very best he'd be way more into Blackberry and BBMs
Which would allow him to keep tabs with the Emperor and Grand Moff Tarkin.

So why would a Sith Lord be selling a Smartphone that's more Rebel than Darkside?
I dunno but as a Star Wars fan
I'm attracted by a strange pull
And I guess I need to have a cool Vader phone now.

Although it's still not as cool as the Death Star O'Lantern.

KARMA bums

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Time makes you bolder, even children get older and I'm getting older too.

Rik's Log 11.17.10

Well I dont have much to say about getting older
I'm gonna just work through the day anyways
And ignore the fact that it's my barfday.

But for you all who are in the festive celebrating mood
Drink a beer in my honor and shot of bourbon too.

And til the weekend I'll leave you with the greatest birthday song ever!
The song responsible for the paradigm shift in birthdays
And how they will be viewed in the following century!
I'm talking of none other than...
The Spirit Journey Formation Anniversary

The seed of life is united with the egg of tyranny
Gestates forth from within the womb of life
for three-quarter and nigh a year, the creature thus be born!
And ye of years...31 bells will chime when the heavens open up...

KARMA bums