Saturday, June 19, 2010

Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye!

Rik's Log 6.18.10

Sooo the NBA Finals are over (finally!)
And every goddamn Lakers fan crawled from their crab holes
Out to party like it’s a race riot. Sooo while Los Angeles burns in celebration
(literally, seriously see the pics),

I’d like to take the time to congratulate the Lakers
and Kobe and Ron and Derek and Pau and Phil Jackson
For such a deserving win.
I only hope and pray (to the basketball-loving god)
that I’ll never have to suffer through another Lakers v. Celtics NBA Championship ever…
(Well at least for the next 50 years please.)

Now if only the US soccer team could learn how to win a fucking game.

KARMA bums

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Been on the run driving in the sun looking out for number one

Rik’s Log 6.17.10

Sooo now I’m in California…
I find myself having to compress the last 3 years of my life
into a few paragraphs, so we can catch-up…
And get back to the starting sentence.

What happened and why am I back here blogging?
Well where do I begin…? Here’s the recap.

Back in 2007 I kinda gave up trying to express my opinions
And focused on doing other stuff...I’m lost trying to remember what
Much of 2007 was like…well last I read (on this blog)
I was very impressed with an episode of Lost.
(I’ll get back to that on a later date.)

From my recollection 2007 went somewhat like this…
I met a girl, I fell in love and had great sex then lost the girl.
I survived had a few drinks until the summer came.

And I met another girl, I didn’t fall in love, I didn’t have great sex…
I did too many things that I should probably regret and bullshit,
Yea massive amounts of bullshit.

Then the fall came and I met another girl,
I fell in love and fell out of love and fell in love
And didn’t get any sex at all…spent time frustratingly masturbating
And stumbled around with her for a year wondering if I was wrong.

Then 2008 came and I lost many jobs,
I lost my patience, I lost my courage, I lost my passion…
And just got tired with it all.
And what does someone who’s finished with it all do
Before he loses his mind…? I dunno.

Me, I lost my mind and joined the Marines
In hopes I’d be shipped out to some remote place
Where my life could have some meaning.
That was 2009.

Well a bunch of near death experiences, awe-inspiring accomplishments
And tons of cursing, sweating, bleeding, and regrets I made it to 2010…
A Marine living and working and drinking and fucking and dying in San Diego.
Sooo now I’m in California…that’s pretty much my story.

Well, why am I blogging again?
Well a few weeks ago I found this site was still running
And I knew it had to come back.
California has invigorated me and changed my perspective (only slightly),
I figure there’s still someone out there reading…maybe, hopefully,
So Logger Rikky lives on once more.
Let’s hope I don’t lose interest too quickly.

KARMA bums

Friday, June 11, 2010

Don't call it a comeback, I've been here for years!

Rik's Log 6.11.10

I know it's been awhile. Youre probably as frustrated as commuters waiting for the late night train... Relax! Stay put, new shit is coming soon...

Don't call it a comeback I've been here for years rocking my peers and putting suckas in fear...

KARMA bums