Sunday, April 29, 2007

Dancing is Forbidden

Rik's Log 4.30.07

I'm like so stoked!
This past week I saw the new ATHF: movie film for theaters.
For those of you not in the know ATHF happens to be
The Aqua Teen Hunger Force!

It is just the craziest-wierdiest-funniest cartoon ever
It makes things like Family Guy and South Park seem tame in comparison.

ATHF is one of those love or hate things
It's so out there that you're force either to embrace it or reject it
There's no middle ground--it's like religion (or a cult).
To us fanatics it becomes an inside joke
It's something so secretive only a core group of folks know about it
And when others see it they get scared and confused
Which is what happened with the Boston Mooninite Scare incident read here.
I guess we can say it brings people together.

The cartoon itself is a medley of insane sitcom antics
With strange drugs&rockn'roll hallucination.
My art professor would say it brings postmodernism to the cartoon age
While retaining the zany loonatic antics of classic cartoon comedy.
It perfectly targets that twentysomething too-hip too-clever
& wasted on everything crowd.

The movie was no different than the show...only longer.
It had all types of gags that included
A minature Neal Peart (from Rush) inside a watermelon spaceship
Shake explaining the Birds&Bees to Meatwad (laughed my Ass off!)
A Timewarp Lincoln being pursued by the FBI
A Chicken Nugget Action Hero named Chiken Bittle
Who's voiced by Bruce Campbell...just a to name a few. Click here.
By at the end I didn't know what was happening
But I had gotten tons of laughs.

Anyways watching non-stop cartoons has got me thinking
Maybe it's time I invest my time (cause I've gots lots of it)
Into creating my own cartoon...I dunno what it'll be about...
But just wondering if anybody knows flash animation...
We could totally rock out with our own internet cartoon.
Well I'll post more about my ideas later.

Anyways AHTF: Movie film for theaters was awesome
It's in theaters right now.
If you're a fan of the show or feel interested by what I said...
WATCH IT! Or suck major balls.

KARMA bums

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Vice of Killing

Rik's Log 4.24.07

Last week Monday (for those who don't pay attention to the news)
Virginia Tech became the scene of
One of the most insane massacres in American history,
Well at least modern American history.

Anyways the media aftermath of that event
Has become what I call another CNN Circus
Where news channels, newspaper, media blogs, news reports,
& all forms of individuals who claim to be knowledgeable of something
Tell us their "much needed" opinions on the situation.
We also get inundated by hundreds of images
And accounts of what occurred.
Making last week's tragedy into the sensation of the week.

Worse than the tragedy itself is turning it into movie premiere!
And what's worse is that man responsible suddenly becomes a celebrity
Perhaps it would be better if we didn't mention anything
Or made a big deal about it & instead showed a little respect quietly.
Perhaps it would not encourage other unstable persons to seek fame in such a way.
It creates a ridiculous cycle when the next psychopath kills dozens
He (cause it's usually a he but I can't wait till some crazy chic...
goes bang bang in a school, what will the feminists say)
He will thank the media for giving him the great idea...
Cause the media should be equally responsible.
And that's the problem: the media is not responsible.

But as Americans we want all our news and we want it now
And we wanna know all the whos whats wheres and whys.
But why do we all need to know the whos, whats, and whys?
Sometimes people go crazy and kill lots of innocent bystanders.
It happens occasionally, you know people have many different problems...
& some people solve their problems by offing others.

And the other tragedy is how this kid was made a monster.
No one is ever created a cold-blooded killer
It environmental conditions that create people who become mass murders.
As equally responsible as the killer is for his actions
And the media is for their irresponsibility;
The punks who bullied him during his teenage years are also responsible
Cause they created the murderous madman.
And they should at least be acknowledged for their part.

Everything is related in a chain of events
And no one event can standalone.
If people were more responsible in their treatment of others
Perhaps more tragedies could be avoided.
Of all the kids who spoke to the media ‘they knew he was crazy’
But noone said once that ever tried to help
They all just watch silently as he delved deeper into darkness.
We all drown in our apathy.

So as much as society wants to pin this event down on one person
It’s society’s responsibility that this event happened.
Our American culture (through the media) created this individual
Our children taunted and abused him fueling his anger
And the people who surrounded him as young adult ignored the situation.
But when the volcano erupted we only saw one person.
Now we all complain about gun control and school security...
But what about purging our society & redefining our values?
What about teaching our children to be less mean, selfish, & apathetic?
Because without a true reassessment of our values
It’s only a matter of time before another poor tormented soul explodes.

Anyways those are my two cents on the subject.

KARMA bums

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Guess who's back, back again--Shady's back, tell a friend

Rik's Log 4.12.07

I think I've spend enough time away from this blog to return.

It's been around 10 months since my last post,
& it wasn't that I didn't have anything to say...
It just that I was too lazy to care.

Of course now after 10 months of silence (well I really haven't been too silent)
I'm just bursting with hundreds of things to rant about...
Of course you're all dying to read these cool new post (as if I had readers).

Well anyways to maintain a sense of brevity
I'll soon begin to post again so you should all pay attention to my blog.
Perhaps I'll use the term "Nappy-headed Hos" to garner more attention

So don't wait till I'm on CNN for some controversial article...
Start reading about all my cool adventures now.

KARMA bums