Wednesday, July 26, 2006

You've been a Juvenile with a Dolphin smile

Rik's Log 7.26.06

It's 5am
I'm surfing de web & watching cartoons...the usual stuff you know...
And I got to thinking--how much I missed the last day of school.
You remember in Grade school and Jr High when the last week of school came...
And how cool it was to just count the days, the hours and the minutes...
Well I miss that sense of anticipation...

It was even cool in HS...
Everyone was wearing shorts and discussing their summer ideals...
And nothing will ever beat the last week of 6th grade.
Man I wish I could revert.

Anyways I need to get a new laptop...well a laptop period.
Of course it'll be new but it's not like I'm replacing an old laptop...
So I'm shopping for my first laptop, that I'll say.

Anyways at first I thought I new what I wanted then...
Well I got confused and then I thought I figured it out...
But now I'm still confused again...oy vey!

I've narrowed it down to an Apple MacbookPro or an Alienware Sentia laptop
I dunno which since both have good selling I'm confused.

The Apple was my first choice
but after some researching it's lost alot of it's charm.
First thing it's horribly expensive compared to what I can get from Alienware.

Another thing that would be good for most people but not a wierdo like me...
The other day I was onset working
You know getting dat the kids tend to say...
Well everyone using a computer were all using their little Macs & Apples
& I got to thinking do I want the same thing that everyone else got...?

It seems everywhere I turn I get bombarded by all these hip Apple users...
I just don't really like them why should I join up with them--
I actually want to rise above them...even most of my Apple-loving friends.

I also hate those pretensious Mac commercials...
& I can't for the life of me buy into a brand or product whose's ads I hate.
I rarely buy Coca~Cola or Miller Lite.

So I'm really undecisive about a Mac...
But I must admit it's got alot of convienient & useful things I could use...
I've worked with OS-X before and it's pretty amazing...I actually like it.
And the fact that everyone has one...well I could fit in...
And sometimes it's important to fit in--I'm can get tired of saying
"No I can't help cause that program won't work on my PC."
Or "I did the work but you can't see cause it's on a PC format."

On the Alienware side it's got the same features as the MacBook
& a bit more power and upgradabilty (which Macs don't have)
And it's around $700 cheaper...which is a nice bit of money...
Most of my work is done on windows which I'm used too anyways.

But it doesn't have Mac's OS-X
Which has alot of features that kickass and I might want or need.
But are they worth $700 extra?

Man I won't know the answer till I buy a computer.
Why can't they make a Windows Based laptop under dos-grand that runs OS-X...
And isn't own by pretensions hipsters? I'd buy that eh...

It is my lot in life to suffer.

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