Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Sankara Sankara

Rik's Log 5.28.06

So I've been busy--I threw a party today...
Well co-hosted it with friends of mines
(Mine lovely friends of mines...)

And it exciting the prospect of getting wasted on a saturday night
With dozens of friends and some strangers--hopefully cute strangers.
Mostly cute strangers...hopefully...
(well no cute strangers actually no strangers at all--but I was wasted.)

But it's very stressful...sometimes you just want to crawl into a hole and hide from everything for several years...
I've always had this yearning to travel alone to desolate and disparate lands
That host adventure & dangerously fight off hordes of cultist worshippers
And join ancient secret societies that only the choosen few are allowed admittance.
However this will not happen--ergo it's a fantasy.

At best I could move to the southwest and get a trailer out in the desert...
Get lots of dogs and guns and spend my days like a maniac.
Shooting strangers in the foot and training dogs to hunt wild turkeys.
That's fun--or so it seems--no it actually is fun.

I believe television, knives, guns, cars, cigarettes and beer
They all contribute in the creation of a well-rounded invidivual...
And by individual I mean man.

So what's wrong with stabbing a few deadbeats and shooting a few losers...?
Let's bring back the days when we could walked around with six-shooters
And bowie knives strapped to our belts
And man had the right stand up for themselves and to the defend their honor
I mean what the fuck happened to honor...?

Today's great revelation...
We're an unhonorable generation, and that is our greatest lost and shame.
We're a generation stripped of diginity--we're just worthless carrion.

Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans

Rik's Log 5.23.06

So...ever had that feeling that you're wasting away...?

So on recent life achievements...
I've been living on 50 bucks for about a week...
And finally tonite I spent my last two bucks on some crummy green plantians...
Worst green plantians I've ever had...
I can't believe spent my last two dollars on that!

So I'm completely broke...and have no way at all of getting any money...
Da-rents are 4000 miles away in another country...
And I'm too chicken shit to demand the rent from the tenants...
That be a good grand to survive on... (I could even fly to Mexico with that... : )
My dad would kill me...after I'd paid him his money back...)

Anyways with no money I spend most of my time home watching cartoons...
answering the dumbest ads for the stupidest work possible...
And I play lots of video games--but this is depressing after awhile.
I feel like I'm in one of those 90's slacker films.
Gosh I should just join the army...and get some discipline.

Well at least I getting a check this week...
So I can live off that for the next week or so...

If I'm starving I'll host a telethon with dancing squirrels and hookers...
So write your checks to me folks. : )

KARMA bums

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Pink cloud has now turned to gray

Rik's Log 5.03.06

So New Orleans is wonderful...
It's hot, it's strange, expensive, and above all always rocking...
There's parties everynight and lots and lots of drunks and drunkettes drinking.

I'm running out of money, time, and patience...
But I thank the Sweet Lord I still got beer and smokes.

Since I've gotten down here I've been working nonstop...
We've done alot of amazing things--but a lot of bickering as well.
There is very little professional respect amongst us,
And most of us are ridiculously unfit for this mission.

Anyways I feel like...
You know that guy in the Real World that winds up screaming at everyone.
Well that's me--only I don't scream...but I've got the knives... : ) ; ) : o : (

So what I learn--
when traveling pick companions that you're comfortable with
and are comfortable with you.
Watch out for snobs who don't like anything but the best--
Also people who freak out when they break a nail or lose an earing...
& especially folks who can't handle being away from home...
Much longer than a day and a half.
Because sooner or later everything breaks down
And you're stuck in a tense long quiet drive--
Wanting the perfect opportunity to kill someone.

So I have two really good solutions for my frustration voilence and sex--
Just like hollywood...
Thanks to our hectic working conditions sex is an unlikelyhood--
Soo...voilence might be the only other solution...

There is of course another more destructive solution
There is cigarettes & beer
(both which are readily available, very legal, very popular, and affordable)
Maybe I will survive.

KARMA bums