Saturday, April 29, 2006

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane

Rik's Log 4.29.06

All my bags are not packed, I'm not ready to go
I'm standing here outside your door...

Maybe I should be packing my bags getting ready to go...

It's 5AM as usual
My flight leaves in about another bunches of hours

I'm flying to New Orleans again (Nawlins as we cajuns call it : )
Hopefully I'll be able to have some fun and get my work done.

Anyways I figure you should know...
In case you're sitting a couple of days from now in the cafe sippin an espresso
Or you're sitting in your couch watching some toons eating some za hitting the bong
Or standing in the street corner picking some know the usual...
And suddenly you ask "Hey where's Rik? I wonder why he is not here...?"

Well now you'll know I'm in New Orleans or Nawlins as the locals say.


Oh and by the way if by some horrific mistake I were not to make it back
You can reach me by seance of ouija boards in hell I'll be at the Sheraton Infernos rm. 666
I'll see if I can reserve a room for the rest of you.

I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again

KARMA bums

Thursday, April 27, 2006

I see you've come to see me.

Rik's Log 4.27.06

It's 5am and everybody's getting ready for work.

So I figure I do something to keep you posted on what's going on with me
As if you cared--but why else would you be here?

Yes you're correct, I've given in--I've joined the blog revolution as we call it...
But I want to state something clear in this introductory blog...
This not going to be one of those blogs that everyone one else creates
This is not going to be one of those blogs where I bemoan my life choices
This is not going to be one of those blogs where I detail my mundane activities
This is not going to be one of those blogs where I search for meaning of love or life
No this can not be one of those things...

This isn't the average teenage or twenty something American blog bullshit
Now this is going to be one of those I think I'm really special bullshit blogs
That completely disintergrates when I become obsessed with words that rhyme with cholorea
This is the kinda of examplary blog I plan on creating...
Let it stand as a testament in time, evidence that there once existed someone like me.

This is the promise that I make to you, my readers...

So whenever something spectacular happens you can rest assure
That'll I'll write about it (grossly exaggerated) a few weeks later.
And you'll get to know a little about me--as I'm sure I'll get to know lots about you. (Really?)

But seriously...why are you here?

KARMA bums