Monday, May 30, 2011

We lost another one that we sent with a gun, they're gonna miss him...

Rik's Log 5.30.11

Happy Memorial Day everyone!

It is Memorial Day and I do love me some start of the summer BBQ, --but lately I'm having new issues with Memorial Day. I get annoyed when people thank me for my service on Memorial Day. Well it's a problem I've only had for a two years. Still, I find a bit offensive;
                  1 - because I'm still alive, 
                  2 - because they think that "Thank you" is enough.
                  3 - because I don't think they understand Memorial Day.

Memorial Day is not Veteran's Day (that day you can thank Veterans for their service.), Memorial Day is not 4th of July (that day you can be drunkenly patriotic), hell it's not even Republican Presidents' Day (there's no such day)...

Memorial day was actually created to commemorate all those who gave their lives fighting the Southern Insurgents to maintain our American Union, in what is often known as the Civil War. Since then it has serve as a day to remember all who have lost their lives defending our Nation and there have been many.

However recently (in the last 20 years) I've seen people use Memorial Day to get on a soapbox and preach about crap that has nothing to do with Memorial Day. Veterans complaining about civilians who don't understand what it means to go to war. Faux Patriots (fatriots [emphasis on fat] as I like to call them) complaining about people not waving enough flags. Hell, Memorial Day is not a day to bash civilians, liberals, casual BBQers, alcoholics, etc. It is not a day for Car Salesmen, Walmart, furniture dealers, sale half their inventory.

You can either remember the fallen and commemorate their sacrifice or you shut-up and eat your hamburger...I don't need my Facebook feed inundated with your bitching.

If you're truly grateful and patriotic and all the good sort, plus you gotta lotta time and resources and are dedicated, you can go place a $2 flag on the grave of some service-member at the cemetery. Other than that stay off of Facebook, Twitter or any other internet bully pulpit, and go outside and enjoy the day off.

KARMA bums

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Killing an Arab

Rik's Log 5.3.11

Fucking finally...
We fucking got him!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Because the Night Belongs to Lovers

Rik's Log 2.14.11

Well in case some of you didnt know today is Valentine's Day (St. Valentine's Day if you want to be formal). I'm sure it comes as a surprise to a few...

"It's Valentine's Day already? Didnt we celebrate that shit last year?"

Yeah well the funny thing about annual holidays, they come by every year;
So get off your ass and go to store and grab some flowers and chocolate. Anyways, I'm here just doing my civic duty, trying to help some of you save your pitiful relationships. You can thank me later (with chocolates.)

Well have a fun & happy Valentine's Day errbody!

KARMA bums