Thursday, December 2, 2010

Show me how you do it? And I'll promise you, I'll promise that I'll run away with you

Rik's Log 12.02.10

So has anybody seen this yet?

apparently the story goes like this:
Some dude loses his girl cause she has to go faraway to college
And he's all heartbroken cause long-distance relationship suck.

Sooo he writes her this lovely song and then makes a vid
And he post the vid on Youtube but doesnt tell her about it.
He wants her to see it when it goes viral, sorta like a surprise.

Sooo when she sees it she'll be immediately amazed
And be all in love with him again
And I guess she'll quit school and run to him, I dunno.

Sooo are you heartstrings pulled yet?

Well here I am thinking it's some lonely geek living in Provo, Utah
Who's lost the only girl he'll ever know
And makes some cheesy homemade vid to post on Youtube
As a symbol of his everlasting love
For the only woman who paid him attention.

After a few minutes I get past the sappy shit and do some research.
I actually watch the vid and it's not some crappy homemade schlock.

1 - This lonely geek actually lives in LA.
2 - He is a member of a indie emo band known as The Daylights
3 - The vid & song are too polished to have been done by amateurs

So after analyzing all the data
This leads me to suspect a hoax.

How the hell can people fall for this?
Easy, theyre stupid.

Here we go again with another viral hoax
That everyone watches and thinks it's an amazing story
And then after 20x of hearing that song
We suddenly cant get it out of our heads
And we have to download their new album.

Yea it’s sooo genius it just might work.

Usually viral vids are happenstance theyre not manufactured
But with the new marketing techniques
We got geniuses who try to manufacture cultural phenomena
In order to sell shit and think it will work.

I’ll have to say that it is very clever idea.
Fortunately for them
The song and the vid are actually pretty entertaining.

KARMA bums